How to Control my business

And how we can help you

Benefits of business control

So, you have established your own business, conrats. However, now is the time that you should consider how to control it. There are so many reason why you should control your business from the very start, as:

How to establish business control?

Establishing control over your business involves taking several steps to ensure that you are making informed decisions and guiding your business towards success. Here are some key steps you can take:

What is internal controls?

As your company grew, lot of people will involve directly with you to run the company since you cannot do everything by yourself anymore. You will need a system to ensure that your company runs efficiently toward the goals that you have set up. You will need an internal control system. Internal controls refer to the policies, procedures, and systems that a company puts in place to safeguard its assets, ensure accurate financial reporting, and promote compliance with laws and regulations. The purpose of internal controls is to prevent fraud, errors, and other types of losses.

Internal controls can include a wide range of activities and processes, including:

Overall, internal controls help companies to manage risk and ensure that they are operating in an ethical and responsible manner. They also provide investors and other stakeholders with greater confidence in a company's financial reporting and operations.

What is the relation between internal control and financial reporting?

Internal controls are closely related to financial reporting because they help to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial information. Financial reporting refers to the process of preparing and presenting financial information to stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, and regulators.

Effective internal controls are necessary to ensure that financial reports are prepared in accordance with accounting standards and are free from errors or fraud. Internal controls help to identify and prevent errors or irregularities that could impact the accuracy and completeness of financial reports. For example, internal controls may help to prevent unauthorized transactions, ensure that financial transactions are properly recorded, and ensure that financial statements are reconciled and reviewed for accuracy.

In addition, internal controls are necessary for compliance with laws and regulations related to financial reporting. Many laws and regulations require companies to maintain effective internal controls over financial reporting and to have those controls audited by external auditors.

Overall, the relationship between internal controls and financial reporting is critical because accurate and reliable financial reporting is necessary for stakeholders to make informed decisions about a company's financial position and performance. Effective internal controls help to ensure that financial reports are trustworthy and credible, which in turn helps to build stakeholder confidence in a company's operations and financial performance.

How can we help?

Junaedi, Chairul and Partner Accounting Firm (JC) can help in a number of ways when it comes to establishing internal controls and ensuring accurate financial reporting. Here are some specific ways in which a we can assist:

Overall, We can play an important role in helping a company establish and maintain effective internal controls and ensure accurate financial reporting. By leveraging our expertise and experience, We can help a company to identify areas for improvement, reduce risk, and build stakeholder confidence in its operations and financial performance.